Sunday, June 29, 2008

a brave beginning

I tried to start this off over a year ago, and something made me hold back--insecurity, uncertainty, whatever. But after a stimulating encounter with two of my favorite bloggers, the Yarn Harlot, and Franklin Habit, of Panopticon fame, I realize that it's time I did my thing, too.

So, here goes...

Herein I will share the bits & pieces of my life: yoga, knitting, food, books, my pets, and family, and not necessarily in that order! I am a wife (of nearly 36 years), mother of two incredibe grown children (DD & DS), a yoga teacher, a knitter, a retired librarian, and someone who treasures her friends from all the walks of her life. Oh, and there are the dear animals who share our home: Sophie the Wonder Dog (brindle beagle/boxer mix), Chloe the Lovely Tabby, and Emma (aka Smooshed Prunes).

For yoga content, I am currently totally in love with the low back protocol developed (in part) and taught) by my teacher Robin Rothenberg. Check out her website Pacific Institute of Yoga Therapy, and also the site of her stutdio, I was blessed to teach at the Yoga Barn for many years, with Robin as my primary teacher. Now that I've moved to the Midwest, I travel at least once a year to retreats with Robin to such locales as Guatemala, Mexico and Costa Rica, and also make trips "home" to study with her, as well as to visit family who live in the area. As I started to say, these low back practices are pure genius. This type of work, using the methodology of Viniyoga, is not new to me, as it is what I am certified in, but the way these sequences work together has taught me much about my own body, and about my students' bodies. I've been sharing them with my classes, and they love them, too. The CDs feature Robin's clear, articulate, and elegant language to guide you through the practices, and to clarify there is the accompanying spiral bound booklet with photos and text. Even if you don't have "low back issues," give yourself a treat and check them out. Do yourself a favor and order directly from the first website.

For knitting content, I'm currently working on too many projects, but the ones that have risen to the top of the knitting pile are the February lady sweater, a BSJ jacket for a friend's first baby, and the Apollo & Artemis socks from some hand-dyed yarn from Rock Creek Yarn in the Cherry Blossom colorway that I scored at the Yarn Harlot even in Chicago recently.

This will have to be saved until later, as Sophie the Wonder Dog is waiting for her morning promenade.