So, this is when over a year of Pilates classes and core work in my own yoga practice pays off. It really helps when getting up and down off the couch when you know that placing your left foot on the floor will cause one to scream and scare the !!##$$%^ out of the animals. Also, going up the stairs on my bum works the triceps. I'll be happy to get the loan of a walker from dear friend & neighbor Edie later today, as crutches are not easy.
Day #3 on the couch: more knitting, a little TV/DVR action, and some more reading from my reserved stack of books on the table. Dear Hubby Dave continues to be a good nurse. Yesterday he picked up some yummy flatbread pizzas from our favorite Crystal Lake restaurant/bakery, Le Petit. Those were lunch; dinner will be stuffed baked potatoes with spicy chicken and vegetables, and maybe a little guacamole on the side.
I'll try to add a few photos to the blog today before the pain meds kick in and I get fuzzy again. We have some of Dave wearing his spiffy Xmas cabled vest, handknit by dear daughter Maja. She is truly a skilled knitter, and her finishing work is meticulous, too. And then there's a lovely skein of Madeline Tosh Worsted that came to me from Maja--part of our Christmas in February package that arrived this week. Maja has been so swamped at work that finishing the vest was a bit delayed. Oh, and I'd like you to see the great little project bag that is accompanying me up & down stairs during my convalescence.